The Lamberts

Claude and Micheline Lambert

ornell Hotel de France is family owned and operated. 
The story is, in many ways, that of the American Dream.

Nearly forty years ago, Claude and Micheline Lambert, with their five year old 
daughter Sabine, arrived in San Francisco, from their native Orléans, France. 
They started work for room and board in a dilapidated establishment 
which they renovated and eventually purchased.
Over many years, they redecorated every room, collected, framed, and installed 
French art prints throughout the Hotel and added the manifold personal touches which make 
the Cornell Hotel uniquely European, and clearly a labor of great love.
It is now a landmark in San Francisco attended by discriminating guests as 
well as distinguished visitors: well-known writers, artists,
members of Diplomatic Corps and top French government officials.
One of the most remarkable achievements is found downstairs where Mr. Lambert
created a beautiful reflection of his native Orléans, Restaurant Jeanne D’Arc, 
named after the French heroine and famous all around the Bay.

Mr. Lambert continues to play an active role 
with the French community of San Francisco. 
He has occupied several important positions within local French schools:
the French-American Bilingual School, the “Petite Ecole Française,” which was
created around him and became the renowned Lycée Laperouse.
For many years, he taught at the Alliance Française.
In 1994, July the 14th was named
by the Mayor of San Francisco
Claude and Micheline Lambert Day
in honor of the Lamberts ongoing contribution
to the local Franco-American community.

Cornell Hotel de France • 715 Bush Street • San Francisco, CA 94108
415 421 3154 • 1 800 232 9698

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